How to upload the “What is My IP Address” and “IP Address Lookup” tool to a hosting platform Documentation

The “What is My IP Address” and “IP Address Lookup” tool website is a user-friendly platform designed to provide users with detailed information about their IP addresses. This documentation guides you through the process of uploading the tool to your hosting server, ensuring a seamless deployment. By following these steps, you can configure the website, manage its core settings, and make it accessible to users worldwide.

Step 1: Log in to Your Hosting Control Panel

  • Log in to the control panel (e.g., cPanel, Plesk) provided by your hosting provider.
  • Alternatively, use an FTP client (e.g., FileZilla) if you prefer uploading files via FTP.

Step 2: Upload the Files

Using cPanel File Manager:

  1. Navigate to the File Manager section.
  2. Open the public_html directory (or a subdirectory for your tool).
  3. Click on the Upload button and select the ZIP file.
  4. Once uploaded, extract the ZIP file within the File Manager.

Using FTP:

  1. Open your FTP client and log in with the FTP credentials.
  2. Navigate to the public_html directory (or a subdirectory).
  3. Upload the extracted files to the target directory.

Step 3: Configure the Website

  1. Locate the configuration file (config/config.php).
  2. Save the changes and upload the modified file back to the server if edited locally.

Configuration File (config/config.php)

The configuration file (config/config.php) centralizes key settings of the website. This file ensures maintainability by letting you adjust core details like site name, logo, and URLs from one place.

1. Base URL

if (!defined('BASE_URL')) {
define('BASE_URL', '');
  • Description: The base URL of your website.
  • Default Value: ‘’
  • Customization: Replace with your website’s actual URL: define('BASE_URL', ''); Note: Ensure the URL ends with a forward slash (/).

2. Site Name

if (!defined('SITE_NAME')) {
define('SITE_NAME', 'Your Website');
  • Description: Defines the name of your website. This can appear in headers, titles, and branding across the site.
  • Default Value: ‘Your Website’
  • Customization: Change ‘Your Website’ to the name of your site: define('SITE_NAME', 'INB Digital');

3. Site Logo

if (!defined('SITE_LOGO')) {
define('SITE_LOGO', '');
  • Description: The path to your site’s logo.
  • Default Value: ‘’
  • Upload Logo: Upload logo image in assets/images folder.
  • Customization: Update the URL to your logo’s file location: define('SITE_LOGO', '');

4. Assets Version

if (!defined('ASSETS_VERSION')) {
define('ASSETS_VERSION', '1.0.0');
  • Description: A version identifier for static assets (CSS/JS). Helps in cache busting.
  • Default Value: ‘1.0.0’
  • Customization: Update the version when assets are changed to force browsers to reload updated files: define('ASSETS_VERSION', '1.0.1');

Step 4: Change Color Scheme (Optional)

Users can change the website’s color scheme to fit their needs by editing the following section in assets/css/style.css:

/* ========== Colors ========== */
:root {
--primary-color: #1b3b59;
--secondary-color: #ff9191;
--fade-bg-color: #254e70;
--fade-text-color: #aad8f0;
--button-hover-bg-color: #e04143;
--button-bg-color: #ff4d4f;

Step 5: Navigation Menu and Footer Links Update

To update the navigation menu and footer bar’s links, edit the following files:

  • Navigation Menu: includes/header.php
  • Footer Bar: includes/footer.php

Step 6: Homepage Content Update

To update the homepage’s links and title, edit the file index.php located in the tool’s root directory.

Step 7: Test the Website

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to your website url.
  2. Verify that the tool loads and functions as expected.


By using the config/config.php file, you can easily manage the core settings of your “What is My IP Address” and “IP Address Lookup Tool” website. This modular approach ensures maintainability, scalability, and ease of customization.

For additional help or support, refer to the Support and Contact section in the main documentation. Visit:

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